Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Summer Bust

I really thought this summer was going to be good.It started out that way but wow,just wow.My tomato plants got blight but before they did I managed to get a few tomatoes off them.I planted the wrong broccoli and instead of the nice round ones I ended up with the stemmy ones.

And that beautiful leafy potato bush,NOTHING! I had ants just annihilate it within a few days.I was sick.
And every time I thought I had the bugs under control and treating the plants well it would rain real bad.Even my mint is looking bad.But before it did I did this.

That's mint jelly at the top and muscadines at the bottom.YES I learned how to make and can jelly.My soaps are doing very well too.The loofahs came out great this year.

I have five more on the vine.I hope they will get bigger before the first frost gets here.So really the summer wasn't that much of a bust but frustrating.

Ok enough of that.I have been doing some weight loss on a low carb diet.I've lost 27 pounds since July 1st of this year.I love it.Then I'm going on 14 months of not smoking and doing very good on it.Life is looking up!I quess  that's been the size of my summer.Oh if you get a chance,get you some yard long beans.Mine put out all summer long.Love them.Next summer I'm putting in more so I can can them (as soon as I get a pressure canner).maybe  Santa will bring me one! Ok bye bye for now and I will try to get on here more often.