Saturday, February 15, 2020

A New Year for Misty Pines

It was a good summer last year. 98% of what I planted grew. I have eggplants,Bell Peppers and Kolhrabi started along with ground cherries. I only had one plant last year but they were really good. This year I have 18 ground cherries and 18 kolhrabis. I'll plant more later. The kale ,lettuce and radishes have been producing a little.I went this year and got mostly new seeds and they ones I planted haven't quite come up yet.I had planted onions last year and they are doing better. Should see my cauliflowers!

Oh my the rain we have been having. I'm surprised anything I planted hasn't got water logged. The cauliflower is so nice and this will be our first year growing it. I have 6 plants so far. I'm trying the companion planting this year.So it will be fun this year.

The chicks are coming,got the coop now,its small only enough for 4 birds but later I'll be expanding those.Fencing in the garden too. Dang deer finally got a hold of the okra and ate every one I had and broken the stems too. Yeah I love deer stew and roast in the slow cooker.Later been thinking about meat birds too. But it's a thought. I'm also thinking rabbits.

Garden,I've been laying cardboard and weed barrier down and this year already the pine trees have been shedding pine needles like crazy. I have alot of landscaping to do but so far it looks great.


Landscaping with pine needles

It has  been pretty cold.25 degrees last night,25 degrees  tonight. They are saying we are going to have an early spring,maybe. The daffodils are blooming and the fake pear trees are blooming too.
That groundhog better be right. Kudos to everyone living up north! I couldn't live in that kind of cold.

Well I gained some weight back but it's my doings. Yet I'm still not smoking so it's all good.My son has come down with pneumonia and the flu and has been in the hospital for a week already. They have him on a respirator and meds.He's doing better. I'm happy he has someone like my daughter_in_law to take care of him. I do miss him.

I have learned how to make bath bombs and have been working on a braided rug. I'll post it when I'm done.
Misty Pines Homestead will be up and running this year finally. We have been building here and there these last few years. So now its coming!