Got a used laptop but alot better than the cell phone.
How are You?
I am totally rearranging the garden this year. The decision for buckets and containers of various sizes became a little more appealing since that bout with Covid back in September of last year. I am still tired alot but slowly I hope getting my strength back. It did a number on my lungs. So far I have planted carrots,peas,beets,cabbage,I have cauliflower that needs to be replanted and tomatoes.I have to plant lettuce and radishes next and we have a cold front coming in this weekend,really cold. I'm trying my hand at planting by the moon,we'll see how that works out.
Ollie is slowing down a little on his hyper terminal. He'll be a 4 years old in April and he is still a riot. And he knows it. He don't seems to miss Orion but I do. I look out besides the property line where I have him buried and think how much I miss him.Sometimes when I have fresh flowers I put them on his spot.
The girls are growing and I'm getting eggs every day at least 6 so I'm doing great in that department. They seem happy,its been hard to let them out cause I have so much to do in the house now. I can't let them free range because we got big hawks and an eagle. There's foxes around here too.I'm pretty good to go with whats going on so far BUT........
I am looking for a singlewide to trade this doublewide with. And something not on a hill.This winter wasn't a winter,it was just wet and cold. I haven't found anything yet.I just can't keep up with this house anymore. That covid knocked my system for a loop.
Anyways I'm doing good. I have had some punches along the way in the last three years but I'm hanging in there. Got to figure out a way how to get this brain fog I get sometimes to get gone and I'll be able to think better.
Those were Brussel Sprouts. Dog loves to chow down on food.
February and the front door open.AMAZING!
And I'm into woodburning now.I love it.
Heres another one. I dont why I started this but I had been looking into it for awhile. Now when I'm out I'll be looking for all kinds of wood!
Well now maybe I can post more often since everything is getting better.Have a great day YA'LL!!!!!