Thursday, March 6, 2025

It Happens to the Best of Us

 Well, it's been a while since I blogged. Life has nothing but not been easy around here. 3 of my hens got gone and I think dogs are responsible. I ended up getting a trail cam which I haven't installed yet. Right now they are in lock down til I can get the pen fixed. But good news they are finally laying again. Just in time for those eggs to be going up. Which is ridicules. 

The garden is having to wait til April because I ended up in the hospital with a block bowel. Man, that hurt. Then yep got the big covid again. Makes the 3rd time. Im getting sick of it and aggravated. But what can I do? I have to get out.

Got a pretty kitty here.


I got her in one of those calendars.

Ollie was worried about me. Hubstead took good care of him while mommie was in the hospital.

A snow picture.

This is MOOKIE,Mokies sister.

The hens are doing good.

This is momma cat Brownie, She loves her kittens and she's a good momma.She has hubstead wrapped around her paw too.

Yeah it's been a rough winter here in Alabama but we're surviving it. Spring is not that far off. I've been in a soap making mood plus I'm out so I just ordered my oils. I'm stuck on citrus and sage. They smell so good together. My DIL loves cherry blossoms and almond I'm making her some too. Anyways I wanted to catch up on my blog. It makes me feel better when Life throws me a curve ball. My sister  passed away and she was my favorite so I've had to deal with her being gone. My ex passed away. He had lung cancer. Thank goodness I quit 9 years ago.Man thats a long time. And yes I have lung screenings.  

Well thats about it. NEXT garden,got to get it straightened out and then I'll be ready as long as nothing else happens.
Yall have a great day and dont forget to leave a message I love reading them!

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