Thursday, May 30, 2024

Rain Rain and More Rain

 Its been very wet here and everything has stayed soaked. BUT the garden is doing great. I still need to pull up some serious grass that the lawn guy threw when he cut the yard. OH well. always something to do around here. 

The Blueberries and blackberries have come in abundance! Going to be a good year for them. I got quite a few strawberries I'll be canning soon.

Yes I finally got my mini washer and its a great little machine. I hated going to the laundry mat. So many germs. The lady wouldn't even turn on the hot water because she wants to save money. I took a few so called clean clothes I washed out of there and rewashed in my little washer and the water was brown. So I doubt except for heavy blankets I'll be going back there.

I have taken the dive this year to start learning how to do tinctures and elixirs. I already do salves. I just finished up my first Elderberry flower liqueur. We'll see how that turns out. I've been making willow bark tincture for pain, it's amazing and it works. I also done some ginger root tincture for upset stomach and it works as well. I ordered a couple of herb books to get me started and am learning lots. I've also planted some herbs in the garden as well.

My first elderberry flower liqueur

Its a start on herbs

That fig tree was so small and now its getting huge

My Echinacea's are blooming I got so many seeds last year so I'm going to have me a field day with them. 

The strawberry patch grew strong this year and now I've got to thin it out again.

This year too I started MULLIEN.I have 13 plants to see how they grow. Here in Alabama they grow wild but too close to the roads for my liking. So I ended up with these plants and before I post them they need to get bigger.

 I had ordered some drops online and my breathing became so much better so I said why not grow it? I already know how to prepare it.

The house is doing fine. Have done little work on it. I guess that will come later. Oh I now am the owner of 3 cats and 3 kittens. Had 3 cats show up here and I thought why not? I don't have snakes, mice or rats now. Less lizards too{ I like lizards}One is a brown color the other two are black. They do a fine job. too.

I lost 2 hens to predators most likely a possum. But the girls are doing great. Got them thru that cold winter we had so I'm good to go.

Well all caught up on the happenings around here. Ill post more pictures when the plants get bigger. Have a great day!

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