Monday, September 2, 2024

Fall is HERE!

 Oh my the leaves are already turning here in NW Alabama. The weather is cooling down for now. For the past 2 weeks I've been dehydrating elderberries. Last year I tried the syrup, and it did not turn out. So to extend the shelf-life I'm wearing out the dehydrator.


This heat and humidity was hard on everyone this year. Well might be taking the step of putting in a small pond out back to help with the new greenhouse I'm getting next month. YES, finally a goofy greenhouse. It won't be one of those expensive ones but for now it will get me started and get some of all these scattered pots I have laying around put up. It's a 20x10x8. I didn't want a large one but I liked the style of this one. It can be remodified and reenforced to withstand the wind that whips around back sometimes.

It's starting to get darker here. I got a feeling we might just have a snowy winter let's hope not.

Today I threw out some turnip green seeds and yellow beets and Pak choy's. I also planted some Mizunas. I've never grew these so it's going to be a toss up. Be interesting to see if they come up looking like the picture on the pack.
I didn't mention we got a new kitty and she had 2 babies. They're so damn cute. Turned the utility room into a cat condo living facility. 

Well that's it for now. Have a good evening. Can say something on here leaves a message!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

So Much Heat

 They said it was going to get hot and it has. My poor girls are hot, I try to keep them cool but it doesn't work well. We get cloud cover then sun which that makes it hotter. I have a fan on them.

I've had to do some really heavy thinking on this garden situation. The only thing doing well right now is the yard long beans. The rest is getting pretty thin. I've dried out some herbs and the dehydrator has been on at least twice a week. Can not wait til Fall! The only thing Ollie does is lay in front of the fan. It really wouldn't be that bad except for the humidity. Can't even wear makeup because by the time you get to the car everything has sweated off.

I have news. I've added some extra projects to my everyday living. The herbs I grow I have learned how to do tinctures and infusions and elixirs. I did an elderberry flower elixir that is out of this world. And it doesn't go bad, The color is gorgeous. The next thing is a willow bark tincture for pain. Alot better than wild lettuce by far. Then I did a ginger root tincture that really helps with my stomach. I'm getting better. I still do the salves and going to learn how to do more. I'm also growing and processing Mullein. I'm hoping that helps with my lungs. I make mullein tea right now but next is a tincture. So I'm really excited about learning even more.

Fall is September 22nd of this year so 92 more days. Hoping for more rain.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Rain Rain and More Rain

 Its been very wet here and everything has stayed soaked. BUT the garden is doing great. I still need to pull up some serious grass that the lawn guy threw when he cut the yard. OH well. always something to do around here. 

The Blueberries and blackberries have come in abundance! Going to be a good year for them. I got quite a few strawberries I'll be canning soon.

Yes I finally got my mini washer and its a great little machine. I hated going to the laundry mat. So many germs. The lady wouldn't even turn on the hot water because she wants to save money. I took a few so called clean clothes I washed out of there and rewashed in my little washer and the water was brown. So I doubt except for heavy blankets I'll be going back there.

I have taken the dive this year to start learning how to do tinctures and elixirs. I already do salves. I just finished up my first Elderberry flower liqueur. We'll see how that turns out. I've been making willow bark tincture for pain, it's amazing and it works. I also done some ginger root tincture for upset stomach and it works as well. I ordered a couple of herb books to get me started and am learning lots. I've also planted some herbs in the garden as well.

My first elderberry flower liqueur

Its a start on herbs

That fig tree was so small and now its getting huge

My Echinacea's are blooming I got so many seeds last year so I'm going to have me a field day with them. 

The strawberry patch grew strong this year and now I've got to thin it out again.

This year too I started MULLIEN.I have 13 plants to see how they grow. Here in Alabama they grow wild but too close to the roads for my liking. So I ended up with these plants and before I post them they need to get bigger.

 I had ordered some drops online and my breathing became so much better so I said why not grow it? I already know how to prepare it.

The house is doing fine. Have done little work on it. I guess that will come later. Oh I now am the owner of 3 cats and 3 kittens. Had 3 cats show up here and I thought why not? I don't have snakes, mice or rats now. Less lizards too{ I like lizards}One is a brown color the other two are black. They do a fine job. too.

I lost 2 hens to predators most likely a possum. But the girls are doing great. Got them thru that cold winter we had so I'm good to go.

Well all caught up on the happenings around here. Ill post more pictures when the plants get bigger. Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Spring is Coming

 I think we are going to have an early spring. There are buds on the trees and bushes, I lost a hen,how I dont know but now I have 10 girls. Got covid again in December,two days before Christmas,yeah that was fun. Acted more like a bad cold this time. What ever it was it knocked that feeling I had from the first covid away.mmmm. 

I havent been on here since I got a new truck .2013 Dodge Ram. I love it.It has a camper on it and now I can put hay and feed in the back without it getting wet. Finally got something useful. I mixed some leather oil and mineral oil to do the seats. I think they are leathered covered but they might not be. The inside smells great now.

Got lots going on this year. Looking to put in an outdoor bath house and hopefully a shower. I haven't figured that one out yet. I'm going for the black round horse trough for the tub and pallets for the structure.I have a way to get the water in and if its super sunny that water will feel good after working in the garden.

Looking to do some painting on the outside of the house.It needs it. Making shudders that really close too. Have to work on doing then skirting haven't figured that one out .

Been doing a lot of woodburning,took embrodering back up. I try to keep busy.So much needs to be done . I also looking into putting in a she shed. Going this Friday to look at campers.And pallets.

Well now I'm caught up so far.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Dropping the social medias

 Yeah, I've been dropping the social medias sites,they are getting way too personal but that's what is coming, I guess.

I really don't have time to be on them anyways. So much work needs to be done like every year. They are predicting a hard winter here so now I've got to get the house ready from the outside in. The hens are molting so they are slacking off the eggs and the coop and pen looks like a pillow exploded. It's hilarious.

I bought a bamboo steamer. That's going to be interesting since I've never used one. Thank goodness for you tube. This one came with a lot of gadgets to get started but no book. But that's ok I'll figure it.

I'm woodburning signs right now, so far, a welcome sign and I'm working on Misty Pines. I couldn't get homestead on it. I'll post the pictures when I'm done.

The garden is doing great. The okra has been blooming and I'm picking a handful a day. I planted winged beans, really odd little beans but I haven't had any yet. The spoon tomatoes are cute and have a really big taste to them. I made a half pint of basil Pesto. Came out ok not much taste on the pine nuts. Need to find a better source for them. I even roasted them but they weren't too strong like I thought they would be.

Well hope everyone has a good evening. Not much to update on today.Lwave a message at the bottom love hearing from ya!

Saturday, August 12, 2023

 Been able to put up a few things this year. Jalapenos, tomatoes, a  little pickles. Green beans, I traded with a friend and got them on the shelf. Been really rainy here this summer and now we are going into our hot season for August. The chickens have slightly laid off laying eggs but that's ok they deserve it. They work really hard for us. Had to give Ollie a dose of fleas medicine and allergy relief stuff. Now it's quieting down around here.

They say we are going to have a cold winter this year so thats in the works to getting supplies for the chicken coop and for the house.Its been rough trying to keep the grass cut and now its bad. So much water.

I am so excited this year. I wasn't sure but now I am,I found a bunch of elderberry trees and I'm going nuts over them.Trying my hand at making wheatbread again.  Did strawberry preserves,they came out ok but not as firm as I wanted them. I am practicing how to on herbs. I've been reading everything I can get my hands on for any kind of help.

Hawaiian cowboy candy.

Well hope everyone is having a great growing season. This will be it for now have a good evening.


Monday, June 12, 2023

This has been Different

 Came all the way from Nevada, sage brush. And it smells wonderful.

The rain is coming pretty steady and it's really getting my garden to grow good. A lot better than last year with the infernal heat wave we had. It's been cool and it's 73 degrees right now.  Very cool for June here in the south. But I did notice next week the heat is coming. Thats Ok I got okra that loves the

Echinacea's are blooming and the Gladiolus are full. Very pretty too. I planted a store bought Lavendar and its doing well. I don't normally plant too many flowers but this year I threw a bunch of seeds out and just hope they come up.

Planted carrots and they came up to my surprise. and the early girl tomatoes are loaded. Already have the fall list started and I'll be putting in turnip greens again. Mesa thinks I'm getting the hang of gardening. I've always loved growing stuff but didn't have a green thumb till I got here.

Anyways I'm happy about this year, it has been good.